Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pecan Pie Recipe {and Crust}

I was never crazy about pie until I made the crust from scratch.  Actually, the crust makes the pie, so now I can never go back to a store bought pre-made crust.  The trick is butter, and lots of it - not melted but cold and broken up with your fingers and clumpy so that when you bake it, the pockets of butter melts, making your pie oh so flakey.  It has become sort of a tradition that I bake a pecan pie every year.  Well, so far a 3 year tradition.

I use this crust recipe from smitten kitchen and this pecan pie recipe from Cooking for Engineers.  Since the crust recipe can yield 2 pie crusts without the top, I double the pecan recipe so that I get 2 pies.  I also cut the sugar and maple syrup in half, since I don't like my pecan pies too sweet, but some friends of mine discourage this.  Happy baking!

Happy long weekend! {Oh, and Thanksgiving}

Phew!  It's finally here, a break - and we get a whole day dedicated to pigging out while laying around doing nothing.  How much more American can you get?  Well, that is if you're not the one cooking.  I've been that ambitious person before, but I have to say that I enjoy the eating part much more.

Here's a pic of me and Mr. Z about this time (4 years ago) when we first met.  My expression in the photo pretty much sums up how I feel about now.  Hopefully your weekend will be just as fun as it was that night.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


A few weeks ago I watched old movies like I was in a marathon of watching old movies.  Sometimes I just get in one of those moods, you know? Lying around like a lump with the radiator whistling in the background, munching on a bunch of snacks under a blanket - kind of mood.  There's a scene in the Seven Year Itch, where the characters are inside the OLD Penn Station.  My heart ached at the fact that we can no longer see this station as it was anymore.  Seriously aches.

This Thanksgiving weekend Mr. Z and I are taking a train ride to Philadelphia to visit my uncle(s).  There's something romantically nostalgic about getting on a train to get out of the city.  Back in Denver (or Chicago) I hardly used the train at all, but on the East Coast trains are definitely a way of getting around.

I'll be going to the new {but not improved} Penn Station to take the train to Philadelphia, wishing that I was alive to see the old Penn Station.  At least I can look at these photos.  Photos via New York Public Library.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Windowfarms! Pledge, do it - promise?

There are very few things that get me this excited - OK, maybe I'm exaggerating, but this thing I'm about to share with you definitely makes top 10.  The Windowfarms project is kick starting their newly designed farms.  Please please pledge to get the ball rolling on this project - I  did!  Do it here.

Think that you don't have a green thumb?
I'm a window farmer now, but at first I was a little intimidated to start a hydroponic garden - since I've killed several plants and barely kept some alive.  However, growing plants this way is surprisingly easy.  The plants in my garden are much healthier and more flavorful than the potted plants I've attempted to seed!  So don't let that discourage you from starting a farm.

Also if you just want to donate to the cause, you can donate how ever much you want just because you agree that we {as people who live in a community - in this case the United States} need to support and help grow businesses like these {i.e. a business that manufactures in our country and supports easy sustainable living}.  Ok, that's as political as I'm getting - I'm stepping off my soap box now.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pillow talk

During my unemployed days, I made pillows and sold them on Etsy. So when we finally received our sectional a few weeks ago, I felt like I needed to apply that handmade touch to our living room. I'm not sure why I started searching for grain sacks, but that's where I started.  I love the rustic appearance of vintage grain sacks. I found a nice selection here. They are usually made out of sturdy canvas and the logos printed on them are so unique!  I wonder if the new bags are made the same way?  I made 2 for the couch but ended up placing one in the bedroom, because it didn't look quite right with the other pillows.